This blog is to provide you with free voice overs / acting and narration, while providing me with work for my portfolio. If you have an animation, a movie, a game, an answering machine, anything that requires a male voice, post a comment with your request and i'll record it for you!

Sunday, February 26, 2006


My humblest apologies, as alas there will be a delay in your recordings. You see I did a whole bunch of recordings today (20+), but it seems that my mp3 recorder has a rather sensitive microphone. So sensitive in fact that it picks up the whine of the Hard Disk inside the unit itself (You should have picked that up in testing Creative!). Consequently all my recordings have a lovely low whine to them.

I can hear it the recordings and it annoys me, and being the perfectionist I am (Yeah you get your moneys worth from me!), I'm going to re record tomorrow once I have a proper mic set up!

Send me a request and I’ll do my best! Oh and tell your friends!

Work, work, work, work!

I have received a good few dozen and a bit scripts and requests so far. FANTASTIC!

I have my work cut out for me that's for sure, but I still want more! So keep those requests coming. Most of the recordings will be done today, however the larger ones will take a wee bit longer, but I will get them done!

Someone asked if I do death threats. To be honest I don’t think I should, but I do do "scripts".

If you want an easy way to contact me, go through voice 123 as it has my profile there with contact details.

Remember Email me a request or post a comment (with email) and I’ll record it for you, for FREE!

Saturday, February 25, 2006


The lovely people at (A very amusing site/newsemail that has kept my immaturity in check over the years!) have put me in their newsletter and inflated my ego a wee bit. So the word is now spread further! AWESOME! Thanks heaps to the fantastic team.

Thankfully because of the newsletter mention I have already received a good dozen emails and comments for recordings. I promise all of those that wrote or are writing that I will record your request for you (for free). I have cleared my Sunday just to tackle them all, so expect your recording in the post on Monday at the latest!

If anyone knows of a good free host for audio files, please let me know. That way I can share the recordings with all!

A few people have asked me, "why are you doing it for free"? And I say why not! Sure if people want to pay me, I won’t say no, but that’s not my purpose here. The internet is full of great free resources (For example and firefox) and I would like to add to them. Another reason is I would also like to build up a portfolio of voice work, so the more requests the better. As i have said before, i will record anything and I mean it!

So leave a comment or email me with a script and I’ll record it for you for FREE!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Thanks for all the comments folks. Keep 'em coming.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Audio Sample is online!

The sample/demo is online at
Go have a listen and then send me an email or comment with something for me to record for you!
Wahey!The first step has been taken!

Don't forget its FREE!

Thursday, February 02, 2006


I've just signed up to the service. The offering has officially started.

Remember to leave a comment and i'll record it!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Samples on the way!

Sample hosting is being currently researched. Once i have found somewhere to plonk the mp3's, i'll start offering my voice through some forum postings.

So in the meantime, if you stumbled onto this blog, leave a comment for me to record (anything is fine).

If you need a voice, i'll do it!