This blog is to provide you with free voice overs / acting and narration, while providing me with work for my portfolio. If you have an animation, a movie, a game, an answering machine, anything that requires a male voice, post a comment with your request and i'll record it for you!

Sunday, February 26, 2006


My humblest apologies, as alas there will be a delay in your recordings. You see I did a whole bunch of recordings today (20+), but it seems that my mp3 recorder has a rather sensitive microphone. So sensitive in fact that it picks up the whine of the Hard Disk inside the unit itself (You should have picked that up in testing Creative!). Consequently all my recordings have a lovely low whine to them.

I can hear it the recordings and it annoys me, and being the perfectionist I am (Yeah you get your moneys worth from me!), I'm going to re record tomorrow once I have a proper mic set up!

Send me a request and I’ll do my best! Oh and tell your friends!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Request deep male voice:

Loopy is full of pencil-necks. I could name a few, like the wrestler Micxa, the infamous nerd called visy, and all the other lovely people that hang around. What is a pencilneck? A pencilneck is your generic humanist!


Tue Feb 28, 02:50:00 am ACDT

Blogger cacophonyx said...

What a fine, fine service.

Would it be possible for you to say the following:

"Hello, there. I'm common-as-muck thicko celebrity Jade Goody, and whenever I've need a good clean-out of my ears, I always listen to the North South Divide."

Thank you!


Tue Feb 28, 08:43:00 pm ACDT


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